Monday, May 12, 2008

New home! New Job! New furniture!

That pretty much says it all.....

I started my first day of training at the "UM health facility" today. Which basically means I sat in a chair for 8 hours, had a free lunch, and learned all about how doctors and nurses and other hospital staff should interact with patients.

Except.. I'll be working in a lab... so I won't interact with hardly anyone. Oh well, free lunch box!
My official job title is "research technician associate" which translates to "doesn't get paid much" but it is all sorts of new and fun science, so I am hoping I will learn a ton, and it'll be fun for a long time. I'll be working in the department of internal medicine, specifically rheumatology, and will primarily be studying various aspects of immunology as it relates to arthrhitis and other autoimmune disorders. Don't ask me to elaborate... that is pretty much all I know so far. Immunology is completely new to me, and hopefully I'll like it!

Adrian and I have begun setting up our new digs in Ypsilanti, and it's beginning to feel more home-y. I have found a fantabulous salvation army, and am pretty much buying everything I can there! I'll have to post some pictures once we get hold of a couch.... at the moment our living room is just one big ol' chair and some pillows :)

Oh yeah... and we have a pool! And not like one of those little mattress-sized holes-in-the-ground that some places call a pool, but like... one you can actually swim in! so as soon as it's nice I expect moochers to come hang out and bbq and whatnot!!

So that is about it for now... wedding planning is chugging along (slower than I hoped, but we're doing the best we can). Still unpacking some stuff, and trying to make the place feel homey, and adventuring about a2, etc. If you live near here... I don't have homework any more, so I might actually have some free time!!!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Jobs and such :)

SO: there are two big questions floating all over campus right now, and they are:

"are you graduating in May?"
"then what?"

Since the first answer is "YES!!!!! I am so glad to be done", the second answer is a little more fun

Thus far, I have interviewed with both Pfizer for a 1 year Co-Op working with monoclonal antibodies in Kalamazoo.

I've also interviewed with a Dr. Fox in rheumatology at UofM. I am still waiting to hear back from them. Adrian I for sure would LOVE being in Ann Arbor, and depending on how life goes in a year, I would have a foot in the door if I want to do a PhD there :)

So pretty much, if you have any magical voodoo powers..... use them to get me this job at UofM!!

Other than that, things are going pretty well. Classes are chugging along and will be done in just a couple of weeks (thankfully!). And wedding planning is in a bit of a pause, but will get going again when the boy and I have a little time.

Monday, March 24, 2008

The Proposal

So if you haven't figured it out by now... Adrian and I are engaged! So exciting!!!

Neither of us had anything to do Friday morning, so we had lots of time to sleep in and snuggle, which is always great. He made me breakfast in bed and brought it all to me on a little tray ( so cute!) and then knelt down next to the bed, which didn't immediately click. So I set about eating, and.... looking up from a piece of french toast, There he was kneeling by the bed smiling and holding the ring in his hand. :D then there was a long part with hugs and kisses and snuggles, after which we fell asleep again for the rest of the morning hehe

The ring was my Nana's, and it's a row of baguettes with little diamonds along the top and bottom, no center stone. I love it, and she was absolutely giddy to see me wearing it! :)

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

So much for lj

Apparently no one in my life knows anything about what is going on or has been. Mostly this is my fault, as apparently I have been incommunicado. I thought about just updating my livejournal..... and decided it was too annoying.

so here we are. basically.... procrastinating sleep. which is retarded. this entry will be short.

In chronological order...

1: mid February, my kitchen collapsed. a pipe burst in the attic, the ceiling fell in, and it rained all over. lots of ruined house bits, but Dave's and my stuff was miraculously saved. It's all pretty much fixed now!

2: went on a last minute cruise with Dave and his family (if you're wondering Dave = roomie/friend NOT romantic. so just shut up) went to Cozumel, Belize, and Key West. Saw a squid. took some silly pictures.

3: Got my nose pierced! (yaaaay!) I think it's super cute... most people think it was already there. so I guess that means it looks like it belongs.

4: I GOT A JOB!!!!!!! I will be starting May 12 in Kalamazoo, doing a co-op for pfizer (like a paid internship) for one year or so. (and Adrian is moving down with me! eeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!) then grad school time. blegh.

5: i am ALMOST GRADUATED! May 3rd. party time! (maybe)

6: i probably miss you like crazy. i have been a sad, sad little hermit. (spending a lot of time with The Office this week, which makes me feel lame) :)

um um um..... yeah, i guess those are the biggies. <3

sweet, that only took about 10 minutes. apparently i am not as interesting as i thought. Oh well!
